The Story of Navajo Women with Laurel Morales
The Story of Navajo Women with Laurel Morales
September 18, 2018
Public radio listeners came together over lunch to hear Flagstaff-based KJZZ Fronteras Desk Senior Field Correspondent, Laurel Morales, discuss the stories behind her recent special series, Changing Woman, at the offices of the Arizona Opera.
Many attendees wanted to know what they could do to support the Navajo Nation so, as promised, please see below a list of organizations helping that do so. On behalf of these organizations, thank you for caring and making a difference. We can be part of the solution.
- Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women (Becki Jones of the Nizhoni Girls is a part of this group; they do a lot of good work.)
- Native Americans for Community Action (NACA has several programs, including a suicide prevention group.)
- Grand Canyon Trust (Read this story about their Native American Business Incubator Network.)
- St Michaels Association for Special Education (Read this story about them.)
- Dig Deep (Read the water lady story.)
- Museum of Northern Arizona